Tuesday, 15 April 2008

No bad biofuels please!

There is a proven direct link between biofuels and climate change, deforestation and the degradation of local communities and bio-diversity and world hunger; the ‘Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation’ which comes into force from the 15th April will only fuel these problems as there is no safeguard ensuring that the biofuels you and i will be putting in our tanks from the 15th come form a sustainable source. We're demanding that Transport Minister Ruth Kelly tells the bureaucrats in Brussels that the UK is withdrawing from the directive until a biofuel sustainability certification is put in place."

For more information or to get involved visit:
http://www.campaigncc.org/biofuels.shtml and http://biofuelwatch.org.uk/actionsapr08.php

see this link for the news coverage of the demo:

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